Best Museum 上海市: reviews

In category «museum» found 23 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. 上海博物馆 - 上海市黄浦区人民广场人民大道201号
8 reviews
The attractive place nice for visit. When trvellor visit Shanghai museum, they will know the history of China. The important event or things happened...

2. 中华艺术宫 - 上海市浦东新区周家渡上南路205号
18 reviews
Unique building and a landmark in Shanghai. The architecture of the building almost makes the visit worth in itself, but the art is good too.

3. 上海自然博物馆 - 上海市静安区
35 reviews
This museum is amazing. Kids and adults can find interesting things to learn and look. Some alive animals and insects are kept here. Also the...

4. 上海城市规划展示馆 - 上海市黄浦区人民广场人民大道100号
36 reviews
Cool little museum, worth an hour or two. There's a couple nice exhibits on the city's history and future development but the model of the city is definitely...

5. 上海当代艺术博物馆 - 上海市黄浦区周家渡花园港路200号
9 reviews
One of the best institutions for contemporary art in Shanghai. Eventhough it’s sad that many pieces of the biennale got heavily censored!

6. 摩西会堂 - 上海市虹口区长阳路62号
9 reviews
Shanghai Jewish Refugee Memorial Hall It is a three-story building made of red bricks. It was a good place to learn about the history of the Hongkou...

7. 宋庆龄故居 - 上海市徐汇区淮海中路1843号
8 reviews
The Soong Ching Ling Museum is very interesting. Well worth a visit if you are interested in Shanghai history. Unfortunately, the residence is not...

8. 上海汽车博物馆 - 上海市嘉定区博园路7565号
7 reviews
One of the best example of automotive history I’ve been to. A fantastic blend of history of the car in China evolved as well as many international...

9. 上海邮政博物馆 - 上海市虹口区北站天潼路395号
11 reviews
1924年峻工。營運。現上海郵政總局 ,内設上海郵政博物館。免費。中庭擺設實物展品。整楝建築呈U字形。雄偉。鋼根水泥,折衷主義。外觀古典主義, 鐘樓立面,雕像富當時時代氣息,希臘神像手持火車、輪船及電纜。

10. 上海中山故居 - 上海市卢湾区香山路7号
7 reviews

11. 上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆 - CN 上海市 黄浦区 南京西路2-68号新世界商厦10楼
7 reviews
Good place to have fun with friends, but I'm not recommend tourist visit if you are alone. It looks pity.

12. 上海玻璃博物馆 - 上海市宝山区长江西路685号
3 reviews
It's a perfect place for adults and children to spend their weekend. Here you can get an overview of how glass is produced in nature and the...

13. EPSON teamLab无界美术馆 - 上海市黄浦区周家渡花园港路100号
10 reviews
This is a must visit place in Shanghai! One of the places I have been to. I think this is a very special experience for children and adults also. You...

14. 屋里厢-石库门博物馆 - 上海市黄浦区
5 reviews
Pretty to walk, take pics, maybe drink. Prices are a little more expensive.

15. 上海鲁迅故居 - 上海市虹口区北站山阴路132弄号
2 reviews

16. 电影博物馆 - 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路595号
2 reviews
Sehr Interessant und creativ eingerichtet aber bestimmt nicht für jeden was

17. 龙美术馆 - 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道3398号
9 reviews
Free on the first Tuesday of each month. Really good exhibit currently showing lots of large oil paintings. It's next to a really nice walking area...

18. 上海市历史博物馆 - 上海市浦东新区陆家嘴
7 reviews
I am quite impressed with the museum size. I thought it would be a quick overview of the Shanghai but it has some interesting insights of the city in the...

19. 上海琉璃艺术博物馆 - Huang Pu Qu, 200023
2 reviews

20. 上海公安博物馆 - 上海市徐汇区瑞金南路518号
6 reviews
When the Chinese set out to make a state owned museum, they do NOT skimp on the details. 3 floors of fascinating and detailed exhibits. Free to look...