Best Asian Restaurant 上海市: reviews

In category «asian restaurant» found 27 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. 海底捞火锅打浦路店 - 上海市黄浦区打浦桥打浦路1号金玉兰广场
9 reviews
海底捞真的是我看过所有火锅店里面服务最鸡婆,最完善的。厉害的是每个人都好像磕过药一样,见到客人总是笑脸迎人,朝气蓬勃,硬体设备我就不再介绍了,在等位的时候有好多服务给你使用。服务人员亲切的笑容和不是地上热毛巾,让我印象也非常深刻。 厕所的洗手台是我看过所有餐厅里面最完善的,甚至连许多五星级大酒店都比不上。但因为这次是跟外国朋友一起过来的,希望他们的英文菜单能够做得更完整一点。会更好。...

2. 海底捞火锅 - 上海市虹口区北站海宁路263号
13 reviews
It's all about the service here. Do your nails. Wash your car. Watch your kids. Polish your shoes. They go the extra mile to impress. The food? It's okay...

3. 东京和食 - 上海市黄浦区外滩中山东一路6号外滩六号
4 reviews
Excellent service, top cuisine, outstanding view and location. $$$$$

4. 新雅粤菜馆 - 上海市黄浦区南京路步行街719号
3 reviews
Visited alone but guided to a very big round table with around 8-10 chairs.staffs were kind but they do not speak English. English menus were...

5. 柚子 - 上海市长宁区虹桥仙霞路8号CN 上海市 长宁区 虹桥
2 reviews
I used to go there once a week 12 years ago. Mr. Ita trained in Japan. Same quality as Japan. At that time, it was one of the few restaurants where...

6. 龙凤厅 - 上海市黄浦区外滩南京东路20号和平饭店
5 reviews
Really good Chinese food, teas and a nice view of The Bund.

7. 顺兴 - 上海市长宁区延安西路1088号
2 reviews
Good traditional Chinese restaurant, with performances during dinner

8. The Spot - 上海市静安区久光铜仁路255号
6 reviews
Really good live music great food and a fun place to make the evening enjoyable.

9. Vedas Restaurant - 上海市长宁区虹梅路3729号
8 reviews
Great Indian food in Puxi district! Vedas - good food in an interesting location. Make reservations. Take the elevator, not the stairs down the side...

10. 上海1号 - 上海市黄浦区西藏南路237号
2 reviews

11. 新旺茶餐厅 - 上海市黄浦区山东中路311号
5 reviews

12. 安达 - 上海市长宁区古羊路461号
1 review
The food is very good in both quality wise and taste wise.expensive though.but all the shops and restaurants on this street have been closed (subway...

13. 品川 - No.47 Taojiang Rd., 徐汇区
6 reviews
Toned down version of Sichuan food. Well presented and tasty.

14. 天泰餐厅 - 上海市黄浦区新天地马当路159号
12 reviews
The price is very reasonable with great traditional Thai food. Our server Phoebie was great. We went there twice during our 4 day trip.

15. 争鲜回转寿司 - 上海市徐汇区斜土路1995号
1 review

16. 东骏燕窝鱼翅海鲜酒家 - 上海市长宁区淮海西路518号
1 review

17. 来福楼 - 上海市徐汇区淮海中路1416号
1 review

18. Mi Thai - No.195 Anfu Rd, 徐汇区
5 reviews
This is by far and wide the worst staff I have encountered at an establishment in years. The lack of effort to provide fundamental services including...

19. 居食屋和民料理 - 上海市浦东新区陆家嘴陆家嘴西路168号
1 review

20. 望湘园 - 上海市浦东新区潍坊路118号
1 review
Thank you, thank you. My first experience of true hunan cuisine. This restaurant is called South Memory Hunan's located between Laoshan and...