Best Pet Store 香港: reviews

In category «pet store» found 70 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. 金魚街 - 43-49 Bute Street, Bute St, Prince Edward
27 reviews
Wow you can find lots of different kinds of Aquarium creatures & Aquarium supplies such as small golden fishes, small crabs, small shrimps. There...

2. 蟲森萬象甲蟲專門店 - 旺角旺角道30-36號2樓B室 Po On Building
7 reviews

3. PET - Mid Levels Edition - Shop 2, G/F, Kam Lei Building, Peel St, Mid-Levels
19 reviews
Would certainly recommend this groomers, they were very professional and very considerate to our needs and requests and even managed to squeeze us in same...

4. 張記狗場 Cheung Kee Kennel / 張記犬舍 - 元朗錦田錦上路490H
Beautiful healthy strong dogs. The owner gave a very clear and informative presentation. Highly recommend this place rather than dog shops.

5. 獅子喵 Lionmeow 專業貓舍 - 元朗安寧路21-35號, Hung Wan Building, 地下2號鋪
1 review
行過十幾間鋪頭,始終都係覺得呢間鋪嘅兩位店主特別細心同親切 上去睇過幾次,都唔會有種催逼感覺!仲有呢間嘅貓貓都好親人,未抱起就已經有煲水聲!貓貓返到屋企,依然好痴身,最緊要係健康同活潑!‍

6. BC Pets 寵物用品中心 - 粉嶺百和路88號Shop
5 reviews

7. Urban Jungle Reptile 城市森林爬蟲 - 1F, 200 Sai Yeung Choi St S, Mong Kok
17 reviews
They let you enjoy your time at the shop and if you need any assistance, they’re always friendly and helpful. Also love the design of new shop!

8. Paw Palace - 銅鑼灣富明街1號寶富大樓4樓A室
3 reviews

9. Horse & Hound Hong Kong 馬術用品 - 27 Aberdeen St, Central
7 reviews
Great products and excellent service. Provide a detail and professional explanation. I will definitely visit again

10. FOR PAWS Pet Salon Tsim Sha Tsui Pet Shop 寵物美容 寵物用品 Pet Grooming Pet Supplies Pet Shop 尖沙咀寵物店 - 尖沙咀柯士甸道 Pine Hill Mansion, 地下3 舖
7 reviews
The shop is fine and the grommers are very nice and profession. My dogs like to vo there and enjoy spa service

11. 貓貓地 - 24-26 E Point Rd, Causeway Bay
2 reviews
Wide range of daily living products with cat prints, style etc. Cat lovers should visit it for treasure hunt!

12. 林豐園狗場 - San Tin, Ka Lung Rd
1 review
第1次養狗, 去左林豐園買左隻3個月大嘅poodle, 林生林太好踏實撲素, 好好人, 隻狗狗返到家頭2星期, 有少少皮膚問題及有少少咳嗽, 打比林生林太佢地2個都不嫌其煩咁教我點做, , 過左1星期, 林太仲主動打電話問我隻狗狗情況, 仲話我係新手怕我攪唔掂, 超級窩心!

13. 一水族 UAD - 元朗千色匯1樓13號舖
7 reviews
非常好. 店主用心解答問題, 俾意見. 出貨快. 第二次幫襯. super good experience.very helpful and give suggestions.resonable price and have various products to choose.provide...

14. - Vanta Industrial Centre, Unit 1107, 11/F, Tai Lin Pai Rd, Kwai Chung
1 review
I'm very happy to have found this company in HK. I've had 3 orders so far and deliveries are always on time and accurate. Great prices and...

15. Doggies & Friends - Sai Ying Pun, High St, 16號
7 reviews
I use both doggie daycare and dog-walking services and Joey is most responsible and loving to my dogs. Highly recommended!

16. 曳曳孫寵物用品專門店 - 中環威靈頓街, Khuan Ying Commercial Building, 2樓B室
5 reviews
The shop owner is a genuine pet lover. She gave me so many recommendations on diet for my cat especially my cat is suffering from FIP, who is under...

17. 漾·寵物工房 - Causeway Bay, Watson Rd, 11號
Best gromming ever very responsible, considerate, and passionate to animals

18. This One Pet Shop - 198 Junction Rd, Wang Tau Hom
1 review
多嘢賣但係唔係成日開門 去之前又check唔到有冇開

19. 幸福主子寵物美容(Fancy pet grooming - 深水埗石硤尾街2號號J
1 review

20. Q-Pets - G23, 68 Chung On St, Tsuen Wan
1 review
Helpful and cheerful staff! And the prices are reasonable compared with other retail shops.